Stairs are no problem for me

I don’t know if you’re read my story on Latte learning about stairs, but with Emma stairs were an entirely different thing.
Actually, a non-event.

On her first day with us, she came into the house and started exploring. On leash of course, because we wanted to be sure to keep her from anything that could harm her or that she could harm.
She first wandered around downstairs (we made sure to show her the backyard first to instruct her where to do her business) and then came to the bottom of the stairs and looked at them for a while.

We encouraged her verbally to check them out closer and put her front paws on the first step. She took on step, then another – all on her own – then another, missed one, recovered, took another and off she went ambling up the stairs, past the landing, all the way to the top, looking curiously around to see what else was “up here”.

What a different story that was from Latte’s experience. Maybe girl dogs are smarter, too!? ;-)

Coming back down, she did the same “staring down the double black diamond for a while” thing that Latte did, but didn’t wait too long to amble down the stairs, butt in the air, with me in tow on the leash.

She didn’t hesitate at all – up or down – after that. She always wins the going down the stairs race – always. She may start last at the top of the stairs, but she’s always at the bottom first.

It’s actually a miracle that I haven’t broken my neck yet, with her pushing me down the stairs thinking that every time I go downstairs, my only mission is to take her for a walk or give her treats.

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